In 1826, Thomas Jefferson was invited by the mayor of Washington, D.C., to celebrate the 50th anniversary of American independence. Although Jefferson’s failing health prevented him from attending, the author of the Declaration replied with his last letter—he died just weeks later on July 4—offering a beautiful reflection on America’s founding and a message of hope for the nation’s future.
The Declaration of Independence beautifully states the principles on which America was founded. It also contains a list of grievances against a tyrannical king who abrogated the rights of the colonists, including their ability to pass laws, elect representatives, and administer justice. Those who signed it did so “with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence,” and they supported it by pledging their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.
Download the text of the Declaration of Independence to read with family and friends as you gather to celebrate Independence Day this year.
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